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The first meters of the season
We have been wondering for weeks, is it going to be okay to travel to the Alps with a peace of mind during the Christmas holidays to enjoy the snow? Now we know that all ski areas do their utmost best to prepare the slopes with snow cannons, so snow is guaranteed, but that is of course not what skiers are waiting for. White artificial snow stripes in a green mountain landscape is not exactly what we are looking for. We went to Austria lastweek to give you an update.
We were in Austria last year at the same time, when most of the ski areas opened their lift gates, but this year was completely the opposite from last year. Last year king winter was already clearly present and we found ourselves in what they call ‘kaiserwetter’. Unfortunately, this year we drove through warm valleys with rain in the first few days. Where you saw on the green hillsides that hard work had been done on a base for the slopes. Snow cannons have accumulated snow in the cold days, but due to the heat and the rain they could not be spread. In the villages there was little to do and people were waiting for cold and centimeters of snow.
There are of course also areas in the Alps where you can ski always, the areas that guarantee to offer snow from mid-November to May. The high areas. One of them is Ischgl. On Saturday, we have just tied up the slats. Higher in the mountains the feeling of real snow was wonderful. Unfortunately, the wind with light snowfall was a small setback. The valley run was opened on artificial snow and could clearly use a fresh snow layer.
Fortunately, last week the prediction was made that a certain snow dump would enter the Alps. And the snowjackpot is in! Yesterday morning the snow line clearly dropped and we left Austria again with a snowy road. What a wonderful day that was yesterday. Even today it has snowed in the French, Swiss and Austrian northwest stau areas. The south side is clearly in the lee this time. Everywhere snow is a rare phenomenon. With a snowfall limit to low in the valley it is just deep winters. At 2000 meters it freezes from -10 to -5 degrees and at 3000 meters it can rise to values of -18 degrees.
Do you want to dress against these weather conditions? Then this is a nice outfit for ladies:
With these fresh temperatures and snow showers it is important that you are well dressed. Dressing in layers; Start with a good underlay, like this black first layer of kou sportswear. With a warm hip sweater over it, like this sweater greetings royal of kou sportswear. The top layer must consist of a jacket that protects you against the weather conditions of wind and snow. A good jacket with a snow catcher is therefore an important tip. This blue skijack is also a super eyecatcher. A ski pants, warm boots, a hat, scarf and good gloves will finish it off. Pay attention to your safety on the slopes, and ensure a good helmet and good glasses.
Is everyone a bit reassured? For the moment we enjoy the unadulterated winter weather in the Alps …
Xoxo- Keep you posted