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Kou te garde au chaud
Why do we only specialize in pully’s, cardigans and sweaters? In other words, first-layer and second-layers? Well, because of this;
The best known misunderstanding is that thick clothing is the best option for cold conditions. Nothing is less true! The multilayer system is the best choice: the different layers each have a unique function. So the pully’s and sweaters from Kou are a very important basis for your wintersportsoutfit.
Perspiration causes the body to cool down. And being sporty on and around the slopes means sweating. Even in cold conditions. The perspiration on the skin cools the body. The moisture must therefore be quickly drained to stay warm in cold conditions. That is why good underwear is the basis for the multilayer system. Kou sportswear first layers therefore have a strong breathability and ensures that perspiration moisture is quickly drained.
The insulating intermediate layer is not only intended for the creation of more heat: this intermediate layer also ensures that the perspiration moisture can be properly drained. It is important to opt for optimal freedom of movement: that only benefits the comfort. The thickness of the insulating intermediate layer depends on a number of different factors: the temperature and the weather conditions. It may be sufficient to wear only Kou undergarments and an insulating intermediate layer such as a pully with zipper or cardigan, for example if it is not very cold and snow and wind play no role. If these weather conditions do play a role then you could opt for a Kou sportswear sweater. But this is different for everyone.
Snow and wind immediately make the temperature feel a lot colder. That is why the last layer of the multilayer system consists of a layer that offers protection against the weather conditions. As; Jackets, parkas and jackets. It is important to choose a jacket that not only protects against snow and wind, but also has sufficient breathability. The breathability ensures a good drainage of perspiration. Soft Shell jacks are being added in more and more collections and are, for example, extremely suitable for moderately cold temperatures and light snowfall. Other ski jackets are suitable for heavier weather and colder temperatures. For this reason, you should always ask for good advice at your wintersports retailer about the user characteristics of your jacket and which fits your situation the best.
Keep you posted,
X Kou